Are you considering installing a Zip Tap or Billi Tap into your kitchen? As a professional Melbourne plumber I’ll show you how to get it done right the first time!


Installing a Zip Tap in your home is the next level of luxury and convenience that is stylish and practical at the same time. Instant boiling, sparkling or chilled water at your fingertips and newer models even have a reusable water bottle fill option to save on using plastic bottled water. Convenient for you and good for the environment, and as one of Melbourne’s leading kitchen plumbers – it’s one of those jobs I’ve done a lot of and really enjoy doing.


What is a Zip Tap?

So, what is a Zip Tap? It is a tap installed into your countertop either with your sink or separate to provide you instant filtered boiling, sparkling or chilled water. There is a range of options to suit your needs and various models with different combinations, e.g., sparkling, chilled, boiling and chilled, or all three together. The Zip Hydro Tap range is extensive, from the Classic Zip right through to their newest model, the G5, which boasts the most advanced technology and more personalised settings. It also features Steritouch for enhanced hygiene. Any of the models with the boiling water option also have built-in safety features and locks, so no nasty burns occur.

Zip Tap Installation Melbourne

Image courtesy of ZipWater


How do you Install a Zip Tap?

Installing your Zip Tap can be fitted near your existing sink or in another location standing alone. It will need a font (drainage) to be fitted if standing alone to catch any spillage. The font gives you the flexibility to have your Zip Tip in a different place on the bench. It will need to be placed simultaneously as the tap and correctly installed to ensure it has a watertight seal and is fitted to the wastewater below. The issue here is you get one chance to cut the hole through the benchtop. The installation then needs to be done where that spot is. It is worth having a professional fit your tap and the font to ensure it is in the right place and sealed correctly to prevent leaks into the bench and cabinetry. When installing a classic Zip tap, a tap spacer needs to be used to keep your tap straight and over the font to catch any overflow.

Let’s get under the bench

The space needed under the bench for the unit will need to have at least 50mm on each side to allow for ventilation. You will also need a power source and water plumbed to the area if not already. These will need to be done by professional tradies to guarantee safety and compliance. After the water is connected, you can then connect the CO2 bottle. It comes with a pre-set regulator, which is mounted to the side of your cupboard. All the hoses will need to be fitted to length and insulated to retain temperature up to the tap outlet. Once all is connected, and the water filter and CO2 have been purged, the unit is ready to be calibrated. I can run you through the calibration set-up, and any features your model may have.

Install Zip Tap Melbourne Plumber


Zip Tap Installation Cost

Zip tap installation cost can vary on several factors like:

  • How much space do you have on your benchtop
  • Under bench cupboard space
  • Access to water & electricity

As an expert Melbourne Plumber installing Zip and Billi taps, it’s as simple as taking a few photos of your kitchen bench and cupboard set up. Based on our access to your ideal spot, I can give you a pretty good idea of what it may cost from those images.


What is a Billi Tap?

Billi taps are another option and brand of countertop hydro tap that is on the market. They are made right here in Australia and are an Australian owned company. Billi taps offer a range of residential hydro tap options that keep up with your changing lifestyle choices. They also provide boiling, chilled, and sparkling water functions and incorporate eco-design features to ensure minimal environmental impact. You may have seen the Billi Tap Installation on the TV series ‘The Block‘ (filmed right here in beautiful Melbourne) as part of their fantastic kitchen builds showcasing their elegant styling and energy efficiency. 

Billi Tap Installation Melbourne

Image courtesy of Billi Australia



What’s Better Billi or Zip?

Both taps offer the convenience of boiling, sparkling and chilled water. They include water filters and the CO2 bottles required for sparkling water. It really comes down to your personal taste and your budget. The range that both companies offer will provide an option or style that is a perfect match for you and your kitchen.


Installing a Zip Tap or Billi Tap in Melbourne

Ok, so you’ve decided you want to install a Zip or Billi tap, but it’s a little more complex than you thought to install yourself? There is quite a bit to consider when choosing the location of the tap head and the under-counter unit. This includes considering the space, mains water connection, waste and electricity supply. It just so happens I am your local Melbourne plumber who specialises in installing appliances just like these. I am more than happy to take the stress out of it for you by answering any questions and providing you with a quote to install your Zip or Billi tap. Get in touch with me today, and I’ll have you drinking water at its best in no time!